Olive Oil Linked to Lower Dementia Risk

A new Harvard University study found that consuming half a tablespoon of olive oil daily is linked to a lower risk of dementia-related death. Researchers analyzed data from 92,383 U.S. adults over 28 years and discovered that consuming at least seven grams of olive oil daily was associated with a 28% lower risk of dementia-related death.

This study builds on established links between olive oil consumption and reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. WHO data shows that over 55 million people had dementia worldwide in 2023, with rates expected to triple by 2050. Scott Small from Columbia University noted that dementia in its final stages affects brain functions crucial for heart rate and breathing.

The study highlighted the importance of olive oil regardless of adherence to the Mediterranean diet or the Alternative Healthy Eating Index. Replacing five grams of mayonnaise with olive oil was linked to a 14% lower risk of dementia-related death, while replacing margarine showed an 8% reduction.

Researchers acknowledged limitations, including the study’s observational nature and a non-representative sample mostly comprising older, white healthcare professionals. Future studies should provide olive oil to participants to assess its direct impact on cognitive function.

Polyphenols Lower Insulin Resistance

Polyphenols Lower Insulin Resistance
A forthcoming study set to be published in 2024 by principal researcher, Enzo Nisoli, obesity researcher at University of Milan, has delved into how polyphenols present in extra virgin olive oil influence the molecular and cellular mechanisms linked to cardiometabolic disease and obesity. While past research demonstrated polyphenols’ ability to mitigate health issues related to chronic inflammatory diseases, the specific biological mechanism behind these results remained unidentified. The study aimed to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for the positive effects of olive oil. 

The research involved a diet study with mice, examining the impacts of different components of olive oil. The results indicated that polyphenols, especially in extra virgin olive oil, play a significant role in reducing glycemia, insulin resistance, inflammation, and oxidative stress. The study emphasizes the potential health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, particularly through the consumption of extra virgin olive oil. However, researchers acknowledge the need for further investigation into the impact of olive oil and polyphenols on gut microbiota and other molecular mechanisms in humans.

Mediterranean Diet Improves Liver Function

Mediterranean Diet Improves Liver Function

A recent study suggests that adhering to the Mediterranean diet can prevent the onset of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and alleviate symptoms for those already affected.  NAFLD involves the accumulation of fat in the liver, known as steatosis. The progression of NAFLD may lead to liver damage and increase the risk of chronic illnesses like kidney disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.  The study also emphasized the role of extra virgin olive oil, a key component of the Mediterranean diet, in promoting health, and researchers suggested that the diet might be crucial for preventing NAFLD onset in the broader population.

The Mediterranean diet, even for just one year, was found to improve NAFLD conditions and positively impact gut microbiota. Lifestyle interventions, including weight loss, exercise, and adopting the Mediterranean diet, are crucial as there is currently no medication to cure NAFLD. 

The study focused on metabolic syndrome patients over 60, showing that stricter adherence to the Mediterranean diet led to substantial improvements in gut microbiota. The gut microbiota’s composition is crucial for immune and metabolic functions, and changes observed in the study implied improved gut health and reduced risk of chronic illnesses.

However, the researchers acknowledged the need for further assessment beyond the specific sample used in the study.

Polyphenols Make the Difference

Polyphenols Make the Difference

A research review, published in the journal Nutrients, emphasizes the critical role of phenolic compounds in the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) that are not found in other grades of olive oil. The study systematically reviewed articles published between 2000 and 2003 that compared EVOO to low-fat diets and other oils. It concluded that daily consumption of EVOO can improve various risk factors for chronic diseases, such as reducing blood pressure, blood glucose, oxidation, and LDL cholesterol, while increasing HDL cholesterol.

The lead author, Mary Flynn, stressed that EVOO is a unique food with a wide range of health benefits that cannot be attributed solely to its monounsaturated fat content. Phenolic compounds in EVOO provide these advantages, making it superior to other types of olive oil. The researchers found that EVOO also supports weight loss, and more research is needed to identify the most protective phenols and the required amount in the oil for maximum benefit.

The study’s authors hope that these findings will influence public health policies surrounding nutrition and clarify misconceptions about cooking with EVOO. The review suggests that two tablespoons of EVOO per day can improve chronic disease risk factors in as little as three weeks. The article emphasizes that achieving these health benefits requires a minimum of 150 ppm of total phenols. In contrast, all Apollo olive oils exceed this threshold, with over double the amount. Setting ourselves apart from other producers, we proudly publish our polyphenol levels each year, showcasing the exceptional health-enhancing attributes of our oils.

EVOO Benefits Dogs Too

EVOO Benefits Dogs Too

Extra virgin olive oil provides numerous benefits to dogs, mirroring its advantages for humans. The presence of phytonutrients, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids contributes to maintaining a shiny and healthy coat as well as promoting overall skin health in dogs. Additionally, the antioxidants found in olive oil combat free radicals, thereby bolstering the immune system of your beloved canine companion. Esteemed veterinarians and dog care specialists assert that extra virgin olive oil aids dogs in four key ways: enhancing skin health, managing weight, enhancing taste, and fortifying the immune system.

It is generally recommended to incorporate one teaspoon of olive oil into your dog’s diet daily, or alternatively, two tablespoons per week. Although the notion of directly applying olive oil to the skin may be enticing, it is actually more beneficial to administer it through their food. However, if your dog experiences intestinal problems, it is not advisable to add olive oil to their diet. Additionally, if your dog starts to gain weight, it is important to reduce the amount of olive oil given. For the majority of dogs, this simple dietary addition results in improved happiness due to tastier food, enhanced health, and a more beautiful appearance with a lustrous coat.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Space

Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Space

Researchers have embarked on a fascinating investigation into the impact of space travel on extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). Weight loss has been a persistent challenge faced by astronauts during their space exploration endeavors. One contributing factor to this issue is the unappetizing nature of the food provided, resulting in reduced consumption. However, a recent breakthrough study has shed light on the potential solution of incorporating EVOO into their diet, significantly enhancing the taste of the food and subsequently improving their eating habits. Although astronauts have previously utilized EVOO, this rigorous study marks the first comprehensive analysis of its feasibility in space. Remarkably, three samples were recently dispatched to space, and upon the return of one sample, it was observed that its structure remained largely unchanged. This exciting development suggests that the application of EVOO holds tremendous promise in bolstering the astronauts’ diet. It begs the question: is there anything it cannot accomplish?

The MedDiet Wins Again!

The MedDiet Wins Again!

US News and World Report evaluated 24 different diets and the Mediterranean Diet came in first, hands down for the sixth straight year. It won in several categories including the best family-friendly diet. One main reason is that it’s fairly diverse. The foundation is whole foods composed of fresh fruits and vegetables. It allows carbs, which are part of many traditional diets and provide that feeling of ‘comfort’ that makes eating enjoyable. More importantly, this also makes it more possible to follow consistently, which results in better success. Scientific research over decades has linked it with reduced ailments, such as heart disease, obesity, inflammation, and diabetes. Extra virgin olive oil is the main healthy fat used in the diet that adds great flavor to all foods.

EVOO Linked with Lower Risk of Premature Death

EVOO Linked with Lower Risk of Premature Death

A recent study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found a higher consumption of olive oil may lower risk of premature death . From the article:

    “The researchers used health data collected between 1990 and 2018 for 60,582 women     participating in the Nurses’ Health Study and 31,801 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up     Study. All participants were free of cardiovascular disease or cancer at the beginning of the study     and completed dietary questionnaires every four years. During the study period, 36,856 people     died.

    Participants were asked how often they used olive oil in salad dressings, added to food or bread,     or in baking or frying. According to the findings, people in the highest category of olive oil     consumption (more than seven grams per day) had 19% lower risk of total and cardiovascular     disease mortality, 17% lower risk of cancer mortality, 29% lower risk of neurodegenerative     mortality, and 18% lower risk of respiratory mortality, compared with those who never or rarely     consumed olive oil.”

Apollo Olive Oil is one of the few olive oils available that is certified to be 100% real extra virgin olive oil. 

EVOO Imparts Healthy Compounds to Breast Milk

EVOO Imparts Healthy Compounds to Breast Milk

A recent study from the Food Sciences at the University of Barcelona found that the polyphenols from extra virgin olive oil can cross the placenta barrier and enter the blood plasma of the fetus. They also found these polyphenols in breast milk, which can have potential benefits for the infant’s health. These studies are preliminary, done on mice in a laboratory. However, they point to the wide-ranging benefits of consuming extra virgin olive oil, and will certainly be the subject of further research.

Med Diet Linked With Better Sleep

Med Diet Linked With Better Sleep

A new study from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) followed a group of 503 students from the University of Sharjah for 5 months, and had them fill out standard questionnaires about diet and sleep patterns. They found that 2/3 of those that reported good sleep patterns also adhered to the Mediterranean diet. More research needs to be done because there are many factors that affect sleep patterns, but they did feel the Med Diet improved the chances of better sleep.

Poor sleep is partly caused by increased inflammation brought on by cytokines. The Med Diet, including its large intake of extra virgin olive oil, is largely anti-inflammatory – which is why it is believed to improve sleep. The Med DIet is also rich in fruits and vegetables containing melatonin, the hormone that is known to improve sleep quality. In addition, they found that those with the sleep pattern of waking early and going to bed early had better sleep quality. This happily agrees with Benjamin Franklin’s aphorism, ‘Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”