Spanish Salad with Oranges, Anchovies & Tuna

From Albert Bevia:
Visit any top-tier restaurant in the Spanish Mediterranean coast and you will find this Spanish Salad with Oranges, Anchovies & Tuna. It´s loaded with amazing flavors, beyond easy to make and done within a couple of minutes. This is the kind of salad that truly speaks the Spanish Mediterranean culture.  My favorite part about this salad, besides the simplicty of it, is the explosion of flavors it has. It´s sweet & savory, plus the combination of textures between the oranges, anchovies and tuna is absolutely brilliant.

Spanish Salad with Oranges, Anchovies & Tuna

Watch Albert preparing this recipe:


  • handful mixed greens bagged lettuce
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 orange
  • 10 black pitted Spanish olives
  • 1 tin Spanish anchovies
  • 1 tin Spanish tuna
  • pinch sea salt
  • pinch black pepper
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil


  1. Add a handful of mixed greens bagged lettuce into a plate, my mix had spinach, red leaf lettuce & arugula
  2. Thinly slice 1/2 of a brown onion and add on top of the salad
  3. Peel 1 orange and cut into thin slices, add about 5 slices on top the salad
  4. Slice 10 black pitted Spanish olives in half and add over the salad
  5. Season everything with fine sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper
  6. Drain 1 tin of Spanish anchovies and decorate over the salad, I like to add mine in a circular design
  7. Drain 1 tin of Spanish tuna and add on top of the salad, I like to add mine in the middle
  8. Drizzle the entire salad with about 2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil and serve at once, enjoy!

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